
Message from the CEO

As part of our commitment to sustainability, our group aims to solve social issues through our services and solutions, thereby sustainably enhancing our corporate value.
Our e-gift service stands out for its unique approach to reducing CO2 emissions and human labor. Unlike traditional gift-giving, which involves human labor, delivery, and packaging materials, our e-gifts are delivered electronically, significantly reducing these emissions. This innovative service has also played a part in reducing environmental impact and human burden in municipal subsidy programs.
The Group is working on the following four axes to maximize corporate value: 1) expansion of attractive content, 2) expansion of DPs (number of companies using e-gifts) and distribution volume, 3) development and deployment of new services for both CPs and DPs and 4) geographic horizontal expansion. We will continue to invest in realizing our growth strategies to ensure sustainable growth.
Our employees are at the heart of our efforts; we value them as our capital. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment that encourages employees from diverse backgrounds to thrive. This is reflected in our hiring and promotion practices and our introduction of flexible work schedules. We will continue to invest in our employees to foster a highly engaged work environment where everyone feels fulfilled.
We will continue contributing to society and promoting initiatives to build a sustainable future.

Representative Director, CEO
Mutsumi Ota

Message from Mutsumi Ota(CEO)

Identification of materiality

The Group has identified materiality as an essential issue to our stakeholders and Group's business in light of the increasing importance of sustainability worldwide, including ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Materiality identification process

STEP1Listing of candidate materiality issues

We have developed an extensive list of environmental, social, and economic challenges, referring to international frameworks and guidelines such as the SASB Standards and SDGs, as well as industry-specific macro trends.

STEP2Identifying issues and assessing their importance

For each of the issues listed in STEP 1, we identified areas of particular relevance to the Group's business. We prioritized them based on their importance to stakeholders and our business.

STEP3Identifying materiality

Of the issues identified and assessed in STEP 2, we identified materiality by classifying and organizing the essential matters into four categories: "Solving social issues through services and solutions" and "Environment," "Society" and "Governance," which are the foundations that support sustainable growth. The identified materiality was approved and decided by the Board of Directors.

Sustainability Governance Structure